EmStory UGC Content Creator FAQ's
1. What makes EmStory UGC an attractive Content Creator business opportunity for me?
It is an easy way to earn money as an EmStory Entrepreneur and the amount you can earn is unlimited. YOU can select Business Owners and product categories YOU like to work
in and with the EmStory UGC Bulletin Board you can find them fast and see what is hot! You can build your own brand and use your personal skills to create exciting, genuine
user video testimonials for target BO's and the target BO customer audience. YOU will receive payment monthly for successful video testimonials incorporating a promo code
provided by EmSpire Group (owner of EmStory UGC Marketing Platform).
2. How is EmStory UGC different than other “affiliate” models?
In the affiliate models you are basically an employee, told what to do and how to do it. EmStory UGC provides ultimate freedom to run your own Content Creator business.
You can build your own brand, use your own approaches to effective content creation, you can pick the businesses you want to work with and when you want to work, you can
set your own goals and make as much money as you want. The EmStory UGC goal is to provide genuine user testimonials, not something generated through AI.
3. Why are you recruiting Content Creators (CC's) individually and opposed to using a CC agency?
Think of the Content Creation world as your typical big pyramid, with Fortune 500 companies at the top and thousand of smaller, $1M to $10M revenue companies at the bottom—many
are local one store, two store merchants who are working every day to stay alive, don't really understand digital marketing and how to use it to make money, want to grow but have
limited resources to fund marketing efforts and no internal expertise. These are our EmStory UGC Business Owner targets and they should be the targets of the start-up individual
Content Creator. This is the space EmStory UGC wants to play in, where we are all working together like partners trying to build our respective businesses. CC agencies charge a
lot of money and their business targets are much farther up the pyramid.
4. How are you recruiting individual CC's?
We have created Why and How EmStory UGC videos which we will position as recruiting tools on our social media channels. Since we are launching EmStory UGC in the Charlotte,
NC market, we are connecting with University resources in that market to recruit CC's (Queens University, UNCC, Wake Forest, and the community college network). And we are
asking our new EmStory UGC BO's to communicate their EmStory UGC Marketing Campaigns with their customer base, to solicit video testimonials and CC's through their customer's
individual social media reach.
5. How do I register for the EmStory UGC Program?
There is an EmStory UGC CC registration form on the website CC page and you can also register on the EmStory (Apple iOS) app. This allows EmSpire Group to capture the necessary
personal and business information to enroll you in our CC network and to make sure we have all the correct money transfer information. The app will also provide you access to the
EmStory UGC BO Bulleting Board and applicable Marketing Campaign promo codes.
6. Is there a General Terms of Service document a CC will need to sign?
There is a 3- page General Terms of Service document we ask you to sign as part of the registration process. The TOS spells out expected CC activities, compensation, qualifications,
data confidentiality, termination rights, and other miscellaneous legal provisions. It is not a complicated legal document
Building my Brand
7. How are we going to be able to quickly find BO's to focus on?
At the bottom of the Small to Medium Size Enterprise (SME) pyramid there are thousands of $1m- $10M Companies wanting to survive and grow. Our No Risk, no upfront fee EmStory UGC
Marketing Model should provide an explosive growth outlet for them. CC's can help us find these neat, small SME'se Companies because you probably shop there! The CC Pioneer Bonus
Split applies to new BO's you introduce to EmStory UGC.
8. How can I become a EmStory UGC CC Pioneer?
Work hard, make some successful BO testimonials. Bring us some new CC's and BO's. You will be easily recognized and quickly rewarded.
9. Can I continue to build my own CC brand? My own CC business?
EmSpire Group thinks of our CC's as EmStory Entrepreneurs. Feel free to build you own business and brand—freedom, personal choice, and creativity our three great features of the EmStory UGC
model. If you are really interested in building your own CC Business we can even talk about EmStory UGC “White Label” option.
10. Are there incentives for me if I help you find other EmStory UGC CC's?
Go back and look at the answers to
Q7 and
Q15. These incentives will apply to finding new EmStory UGC CC's and BO's. BE an EmStory UGC CC PIONEER.
11. Can more than one CC work on the same BO Marketing Campaign?
Absolutely—there is no limit. Our goal for the BO is expanded brand awareness and market reach.
12. Are there any restrictions on video tools I can use to make BO testimonials?
The simple answer is no — use what you are comfortable with. EmSpire Group has a vested interest in the EmStory photo video marketing platform, so naturally we think it would be nice to use
EmStory videos and we think once you start doing that you will like it—it is fast, easy to make corrections, collaborative, and because it is using pictures you took on your iPhone and real
people voice over it is very genuine. TRY IT YOU WILL LIKE IT!
Promo Codes
13. Is EmStory UGC using promo codes which I can include in my BO testimonials?
EmSpire Group will provide the appropriate promo codes from the EmStory app for each BO Marketing Campaign. The promo codes must be included in your BO testimonial for there to be a
successful match and promo code redemption—that is the only way you are going to get paid.
14. Where will I get access to the promo codes?
First you go to the EmStory UGC Bulleting Board to find BO Marketing Campaigns you want to work on then you find the appropriate promo code on the EmStory app and the Bulleting Board.
The promo code in your video testimonial must match the one the BO has for a particular Marketing Campaign for the promo code redemption to be recorded to the account of a specific CC.
15. When I produce successful videos including the assigned promo codes how do I know how much I will make for each BO redemption?
If the BO has chosen a specific dollar amount for the promo code, the answer will be 25% of the promo code value at redemption. If the
BO has chosen a discount off of a store transaction value, you we have to estimate along with EmSpire, but let's say the promo discount per transaction is 20% and the average transaction is
$200, the CC commission on each redemption will be $10, or if a CC Pioneer $26 on each redemption
16. How often will I get paid?
Once a month at the end of each month when we invoice the BO's
17. How will I get paid?
When you register you can make that selection. There are a variety of money transfer options all intended to get you your CC money fast.
18. Will you provide any training or “best practices” for EmStory UGC CC's?
That is part of the EmStory Professional Services offering—we can do one on one training and we have a variety of tutorials on how to create successful testimonials, how to make effective
EmStories, how the EmStory UGC process works, even advise on how to set up your own CC business.
19. Will my successful video testimonials receive EmStory UGC visibility?
EmStory UGC will post successful BO testimonials on our website and the EmStory app gallery. We will also start a EmStory UGC CC Newsletter where really “wow” testimonials can be posted.
EmStory professional Services will also feature really successful video testimonials in our CC training sessions.
20. Will EmStory UGC ever hire a CC Agencies to augment CC resources?
We are evaluating CC Agency resources—particularly some who operate in metro areas or regionally. Generally, agencies offer CC Planning and testimonial creation, digital marketing, social
media advertising, UGC program creation, TikTok and Instagram advertising, access to micro-influencers, and paid advertising. These are all resources EmStory UGC needs more of when our UGC
Bulletin Board grows to the point we can afford one or more CC Agencies. CC Agencies usually work for the BO but in our case the CC Agency would be supporting the EmSpire Group and the EmStory UGC Marketing Platform.
Business Owner FAQ's
1. Explain how EmStory “User Generated Content” works?
There are three pieces to this circular EmStory UGC Process: you the Business Owner (BO) with merchandise for sale, Content Creators who select you as a BO target create
video testimonials to drive new customers to your door or online shopping site, and EmSpire Group (owner of the EmStory UGC Platform) who provides promo codes for you and the CC to match
and handles all UGC Platform administration and accounting.
2. As a Business Owner (BO) what are my benefits?
You can define short one-two month Marketing Campaigns which are easy to manage and measure ROI on each Campaign. It is a No Risk Program—you pay EmSpire Group
only when you have made a successful sale using the promo code assigned to you by EmSpire. EmStory UGC is a great, low- cost way to increase business visibility and create
business/brand awareness.
3. You say there is no up-front cost—most marketing agencies require some kind of monthly retainer?
EmStory UGC is different in that regard—we think of our relationship more as Partnership—you make money on new sales, we get a slice of that as our EmStory
UGC administration fee—then EmSpire shares its fee with the Content Creators who made the sale happen. We make our money with you on the backend of the
transaction—not the front end. That model does not change no matter how many Campaigns you run with EmStory UGC.
4. In my experience with marketing agencies, you don't get much for nothing? How is EmStory UGC different?
EmSpire Group is a for-profit corporation so we clearly expect to make money doing business with you. We are going to offer you, our Business Owner, a lot of value
built into the EmStory UGC Platform, but we think it is only fair (and this is where our model is different from typical Content Creation Agencies) that you receive your
reward in the form of revenue and profit from a new sale, before you pay us our slice of that revenue as our EmStory UGC administrative fee—a fee we share with Content
Creator(s) who made it happen with a successful video testimonial.
5. How do I calculate my ROI on EmStory UGC—that is so hard to do with digital marketing?
You will be able to do that very clearly when a one or two month Marketing Campaign is complete. For example, on one transaction, let's say the promo code
we agree to is a discount worth 20% of the transaction value (for example $200) an the agreed to EmSpire admin fee is 20%. After promo code is used your cash register
will ring up a sale of $160 and you will get an invoice from EmSpire for another $40—your net revenue or gross profit will be $120—and now you have a new
customer who will hopefully become a repeat customer for you. With this EmStory UGC model you never lose.
6. Isn't EmStory UGC just another “influencer program”? Is EmStory a Content Creation Agency?
EmStory UGC is a proprietary technology platform owned exclusively by EmSpire Group. EmSpire controls all of its own data and BO information. We are different
because our Content Creators are free to use their own brand and their own creativity to produce genuine user video testimonials—it is much more human than
a typical ad paid influencer program.
Registration & Setup
7. How do I register to be an EmStory UGC Program Business Owner?
If you are in contact with one of our Sales Reps, they can get you registered, otherwise fill out the Contact Us form on the EmStrory.com website stating you want
to be an EmStory UGC Business Owner. Last choice, send me an email at b.lienhart@emspire-group.com, Brad Lienhart, EmSpire Group CMO, and we can get
the process started immediately.
8. Is there a Terms of Service I will need to sign?
There is a short Terms of Service you have to sign to make your EmStory UGC BO registration official. There is also a one- page Addendum A where you provide
details for your first Marketing Campaign.
9. How do I set up an EmStory UGC Marketing Campaign?
Your EmStory UGC Sales Rep will work with you but it is very simple: Decide what products and/or services you want the Campaign promo code to cover? Decide on
promo code value--do you want promo code to be for a fixed amount of dollars or a % of transaction value—the latter is by far the most popular if you are selling a
variety of merchandise. Next decide when you want Campaign to start and do you want it to run for one month, two months, or three months—you will be billed at the
end of each month for promo codes redeemed. Last, set a Campaign Budget based
on expected sales from promo code and promo code value (with an equal amount going to EmSpire Group for each promo code redeemed to cover EmStory UGC
administration costs).
10. Does EmStory UGC have a Professional Services function that can help me?
Yes, the Professional Services Group can help you set up a Marketing Campaign in part or completely, they can help you make an EmStory to promo a specific
Marketing Campaign, they can help with the billing and accounting connections, and they can help you pre plan repeat Marketing Campaign. Depending on the level of
Professional Service there may be some added hourly charges which we would mutually agree to.
11. What products/how many products can I cover in a given campaign?
That is very much up to the Business Owner: if you are a jewelry store maybe you just want to promote watches, if you are a boutique clothing store maybe you want
the promo code to apply to all new merchandise for the Spring, Summer, or Fall seasons, and if you are a restaurant, it might be any meal ticket over X dollars.
12. Do I need to make a video or EmStory video to introduce my business and Campaign merchandise?
Yes, a video (along with your website) is necessary to present your business and the products and/or services you are covering with the EmStory UGC Marketing
Campaign. It is very easy to do with an Emstory video: just sign up for the EmStory app at the Apple Store (EmStory runs only on the iOS Apple platform), take some
pictures (maybe 12) that cover the store details and the merchandise to be promoted, then make an EmStory to go on your website, EmStory's website, and on
all the social media channels you want to use. The EmStory itself will help create brand awareness and awareness of a promo Campaign you are about to start, but it
is also the way we alert your customers and fresh, new Content Creators to the potential of making user generated testimonials (and a little extra cash) using the
designated promo code specifically for your Marketing Campaign—the promo codes are provided by EmSpire Group.
13. Do I need to make a video or EmStory for each campaign I run?
If you are changing products or merchandise for a new Campaign, it would be beneficial to have an EmStory video that just covered those Campaign products. It
would provide more direction to prospective Content Creators.
14. How long does a campaign typically run?
Two months may be ideal—maybe three at the most. Shorter is better because we get a quick idea what is working and we can make adjustments for the next
Campaign. EmSpire Group invoices at the end of each month for promo code redemption. It also takes a week or two to engage Content Creators once a new
Campaign is announced.
15. Can I run EmStory UGC marketing campaigns back- to - back?
Once you have had your first successful Campaign, we hope that is exactly what you want to do. Our EmSpire Group success is based on repeat BO Campaigns.
16. Can I run more than one marketing campaign at a time—on different product lines?
The EmStory UGC Marketing Process is very flexible and can easily handle multiple Campaigns at the same time.
Promo Codes
17. How do I set up promo codes?
EmSpire Group will provide promo codes for all Campaigns, once Campaign is announced and you have signed BO Terms of Service. The BO and Content Creator will receive
Campaign promo code at the same time and remember your promo codes have to match for there to be a successful redemption. The Campaign promo codes will be available for
registered Content Creators on the EmStory app.
18. Can I make promo codes worth a fixed amount or % of transaction?
That is your choice. Your EmStory UGC rep can give you some suggestions on what might be most beneficial for you the BO, the aligned Content Creators, and EmSpire
Group. The goal is to increase sales and profit for everyone involved in a Campaign transaction.
19. Do Content Creators who want to work with me have match promo codes?
Yes, and codes must match for there to be a successful redemption.
Connecting with Content Creators
20. How do new Content Creators find me?
EmStory UGC will create a BO Bulletin Board identified by product categories. It is EmSpire Group's job to help the new Content Creators navigate the Bulletin Board which
will be found on the EmStory app and easily identify BO Campaign's they want to work on The BO's can assist by publishing the Campaign on their website, customer newsletters,
and social media. This may help identify Content Creators who are part of the BO's customer mix, or even friends and family of BO customers, who may want to help the BO
grow and make a little extra cash at the same time. A big advantage for BO's of this approach is that Content Creators will always be presenting the BO's products to
targeted audiences that are interested in what they want to sell.
21. How do Content Creators get a promo code for my Campaign?
Once Content Creator has registered on the EmStory website and app, they will see all the promo codes available and assigned to each Campaign. Once the CC has decided on a
Campaign to support, they can incorporate the assigned promo code into that BO video testimonial.
22. Where do we find Content Creators? Whose job is this?
This is EmSpire Group's job but as pointed out in
Q20 the BO can help identify new Content Creators from their own customer mix.
23. As a BO how can I help enlist CC's that know my business?
Once an EmStory UGC Campaign is identified you can announce it on all your communication channels with a Call to Action to identify new Content Creators and how
they can register on the EmStory website and app. Your EmStory UGC sales rep can help develop and implement this strategy.
24. Who does all the accounting and keeps track of who is owed what?
That is EmSpire Group's job in the EmStory UGC Marketing Process. The BO will be assisted in connecting to the EmStory UGC billing software and the BO will have to
confirm promo code redemptions at the end of each month. Otherwise, all the EmStory UGC accounting and administration is handled by EmSpire Group.
25. Is accounting and invoicing done monthly? What are payment terms? Payment methods?
You will receive an invoice at the end of each month for redemptions completed during that month. Payments will be due to EmSpire Group upon receipt of invoice. There
will be several payment options available including ACH or bank transfer. Your EmStory UGC rep will help you set up the preferred payment method.
26. Are there any incentives for me if I get other BO friends to sign up for EmStory UGC?
Yes, we will provide financial incentives from our fees collected for each new BO that signs a BO TOS and sets up their first Marketing Campaign based on your recommendation.
27. Will my successful Campaign get social media visibility?
We can develop that strategy together to make sure it meets your requirements. We will be building an EmStory UGC Campaign Success Gallery and newsletter for other BO's
and Content Creators to review.
28. Does EmStory UGC have a user network and newsletter?
These communications tools are being created as we have success stories to populate
29. Does EmStory UGC have a Customer Service function? What can they help with?
We call our EmStory UGC Customer Service function, Professional Services and it is discussed in
Q10. Professional Services can support all aspects of BO Campaign
Planning and Execution, particularly when BO is running back-to-back simultaneous Campaigns. For some additional compensation, EmStory UGC Professional Services can
set up and manage all aspects of a BO Marketing Campaign, including production of your BO promo Emstories.