We want to tell your Story
We are looking for partners to share more stories with the world. With our UGC strategy we want to connect content creators with business' to share awesome products and ideas. We'll help partner you with like minded partners to share things that you care about while making a profit. Click below to learn more about our UGC strategy.
Become a Partner in Four Easy Steps
Step 1
Contact us through the partnership contact form to apply for a partnership.
The emspire Group connects the appropriate business partners so you can focus on what is important
Creating with emstory is simple and robust; content creators have the freedom and flexibility to tell their story
emstory takes the risks out of the equation with partner friendly offerings
The addition of emstory storytelling elements ensures that our offerings will grow with your platform
If you'd like more information about working with emstory, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

    © 2024 Emspire Group Corp. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.